语言达人控 英语日语一起学 第3期
◆ I would appreciate your advice on...
◇じょげん 助言 (名、サ变)劝告、建议
(a piece of) advice; counsel; a suggestion.
・~する advise; counsel; give a person advice; suggest.
・~を求める ask a person's advice.
・~に従う follow [take] a person's advice
◇ありがたい 有り難い (形)宝贵的;难得、感激
《感謝している》be thankful [grateful, obliged].
A: We will have a distributors' meeting next week.
I would appreciate your advice on the arrangement of the conference.
B: I'd suggest making the discussion short and to the point.
n.分发[配, 布] 者, 散布者
销售者, 批发商 ,经销商
vt. 赏识, 鉴赏, 感激
vi. 增值, 涨价
n.排列, 安排,准备
A: 来週、代理店の会合を持つつもりです。
B: 手短に要点をしぼって話し合いをすればいいのではないですか。
◇だいり-てん 3 0 【代理店】
◇かいごう 会合 a meeting; a gathering; an assembly.
・~する meet; gather; assemble.
・~の約束をする make an appointment ((with a person)).
◇おぜんだて お膳立て
~する prepare.
◇てみじか 手短 ・~な brief; short.
・~に言えば in short; to put it briefly.
◇しぼる 絞[搾]るpress; wring; squeeze.
distributor[distri'bjэt∂、ディストゥリビュウタ] 代理店
conference[kα'nf(э)rэns、カンファレンス] 会議
I would appreciate your advice on ~.
I would appreciate your kind advice and comments on this database.
「このデータベースについて、あたたかいアドバイスやコメントをいただければありがたいです」 ◇あたたかい 暖かい◇
I would appreciate ~ing という言い方もある。
I would appreciate receiving your concrete advice about it.
◇ぐたい-てき 0 【具体的】◇(形動)
I'd suggest ~.「~すればいいのではないですか
to the point
adv.中肯, 扼要
short and to the point.
His speech was short and to the point.
His answer was short and to the point.
His advice was short and to the point.
I would appreciate your advice on the arrangement of the conference.
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